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Company Formation in UAE

Company Formation in UAE

Company Formation in UAE

The United Arab Emirates is a hub for unique tax and investment opportunities for companies. The UAE offers two main options for starting a business: mainland and free zone.

Company Formation in UAE Free Zone

Free zones are located in many emirates of the UAE and in Dubai and offer different advantages according to the type of activities of the companies. They offer attractive opportunities for foreign investors. They are known for a number of advantages such as tax benefits, 100% foreign ownership and easy transaction processes. In addition, companies operating in these zones are tax-exempt on invoices from the free zone to the free zone.

Company Formation in UAE Mainland

Mainland is the 1st choice for businesses that will be active locally in the UAE, especially in Dubai and the whole UAE, such as retail business opportunities and manufacturing. However, there are a few different rules and regulations for setting up a business here. The need for a local sponsor or business partner is eliminated and 100% foreign-owned companies can be established.
