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User Agreement

This User Agreement ("Agreement") governs the rights and obligations of [Company Name], the company providing services as a trading platform ("Company") and all users who access this platform and register as users ("User").

1. Parties
Company: [Company Name]
Address: [Company Address]
User: [User Name]
Email: [User Email Address]

2. Subject of the Contract
The subject matter of this Agreement is access to the trading platform operated by the Company and the regulation of transactions carried out through this platform. The User has the opportunity to exhibit, promote and trade products using this platform.

3. User Services
The User may promote and sell his/her products by accessing the trading platform offered by the Company.
The User acknowledges that he/she is aware of his/her legal and legal responsibilities in all transactions on the platform.
The User may cooperate and establish commercial relations with other users on the platform.

4. Privacy and Security
The Company undertakes to keep Users' personal information confidential and takes the necessary security measures.
The User agrees not to take any action that may violate the privacy or jeopardize the security of other users while using the platform.

5. Terms of Use
The User agrees to use the platform for legal purposes.
The User undertakes not to carry out illegal or fraudulent transactions on the platform.
The User assumes legal responsibilities in commercial transactions made through the platform and holds the Company harmless.

6. Transaction Fees
The Company may charge certain commissions or fees for business transactions carried out on the platform.
The User agrees to pay these fees and covers the costs incurred during business transactions.

7. Modification of the Terms of the Agreement
The Company has the right to change the terms of this Agreement at any time. Changes are announced on the platform and made available to the Users.

This Agreement has been signed to regulate the relations between the parties. The User confirms that he/she has read, understood and accepted this Agreement.

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